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Pediatric Ophthalmology

It is a sub-specialty of ophthalmology that focuses on treating eye problems affecting children. If your child has an eye problem, difficulty reading or learning, or an eye illness, a pediatric ophthalmologist is the right person to treat your child.


Common eye problems in children


Squint means a misalignment of the eyes with each eye pointing in different directions. The eyes may be turned inwards, outwards, upwards, or downwards. Squint can occur during childhood or during adulthood


It is a condition when the vision in either of the eyes is reduced due to inadequate use and the eye becomes lazy. It is among the common cause of poor vision in childhood.

Pediatric Retina

This is an eye disorder caused from the development of retinal blood vessels in the eye. Pediatric retinopathy is the primary cause of childhood blindness in premature babies.

Pediatric cataract

As with adults, Cataract among children also reduces visual acuity. Cataract in children can either be congenital or acquired. But it is very much treatable.

Refractive errors

These are commonly known as Near sightedness and far sightedness. These are treated through glasses depending on the power in the eye. Another form of refractive problem is Astigmatism. It is a condition where the front surface of your eye, the cornea, is irregular in shape thereby preventing the light to focus at one point on the back of the eye, the retina.


slit lamp imaging

Slit lamp imaging

Blood vessel tumor

Blood vessel tumor


