Glaucoma is an eye ailment that affects the optic nerve because of increased pressure eventually leading to damage of the optic nerve. Glaucoma is common among people aged above 40, those with short sight, diabetes, and a family history of Glaucoma.
Symptoms Of Glaucoma

Our Specialties

Diagnosis of Glaucoma can be done by the doctor seeing you at the hospital. We diagnose the eye pressure, then, the retinal nerve and identify the presence of Glaucoma.
We use advanced diagnosis methods like Noncontact Tonometry, Pachymetry, Applanation tonometry, Angular analysis, Perimetry, OCT, Ganglion cell analysis.
Depending on the patient’s condition, treatment methods including the use of eye drops, laser procedures, micro shunt surgeries, and Trabeculectomy valve procedures are recommended.
We get patients with Glaucoma, almost every day, as it’s a common eye disease.
Most of our patients end up with normal eye pressure and vision for the rest of the life even without using medications In a few cases, we also add medications to maintain your optic nerve and to ensure vision for the rest of your life.