Welcome to Our Institute of Optometry
About Institute of Optometry in Kumbakonam
The most important aspect of a good health care facility is to have well trained paramedical personnel. They are key help to the doctor in primary care and intial identification of diseases for further management.
The Government of India is putting lot of efforts to skill the youth to train them to do is these jobs so that there is an increase in the employment opportunities at rural areas.
In opthalmology the paramedical staff are the backbone to deliver effective and high quality service to the patients. They include refractionists ophthalmic technicians and OT technicians.
Key Aspects
In this regard Dr. Arvind vision care has been recognised by Central Government’s skill India program under Bharat Sevak Samaj to offer diploma courses in eye care (Two year courses with one year of training ) which will help them work in hospitals and peripheral clinics in providing care to the patience.As per the philosophy of our trust we are offering these courses